Issue Position: Argument to Save the 2nd Amendment

Issue Position

By: Bob Ries
By: Bob Ries
Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Guns

Those of us who believe our Government should follow the Constitution, and specifically the 2nd Amendment are allowing the argument to be framed by the Press and other Liberals because we are attempting to defend our position rather than taking the offense. This allows our detractors to frame the argument for us, thereby muddying the waters. LET'S GO ON THE OFFENSE.

One of the definitions of "infringed" is "restricted". These two words are synonyms and therefore interchangeable. Two hundred years ago one who would use the word "infringed" may very well use "restricted" if they were writing the same document today. Then the 2nd Amendment would read:

……….., the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be restricted.

Our position now is to point this out to members of Congress who are attempting to restrict our firearms, remind them of their oath to protect, defend and bear true allegiance to the Constitution, and ask them to explain how they can keep their oath and violate the 2nd Amendment by restricting the people's right to keep and bear arms. PUT THEM ON THE DEFENSE AND MAKE THEM EXPLAIN!
